Welcome to
another edition of Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival.
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I haven't done Sunday Snippets for 2 weeks, so I have several posts I will offer for your reading pleasure. However, before i don. I like to ask all of you to please take a look at my NEW BLOG LOOK...I'm not sure I'm happy with it and to that end the first post I will list is:
1. New Blog Look - please give feedback
2. The Weekly Five - February 19 and February 26
3. God Love You Series - Make room For Christ and the Economic Temptation of Christ
4. More Videos - Fr. Corapi's Conversion and the Human Experience
Well there you have another week of Catholic Carnival for your
musings...and again I ask that we offer a prayer for one another, our
families and our culture; that we as a nation will once again embrace
the Christian values that our great country is founded upon...those
values that proclaim all men are created in the image and likeness of
God and as such possess dignity and sanctity; and so being all men have
the inalienable right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness"....in that order!
As always....in the words of Monsignor Schaedel, a very holy priest and the Vicar General of my Archdiocese, "Of one thing I am convinced; of one thing I am certain: Providence never fails!"
God willing I will return next week. With faith, hope and trust in the Providence that will not fail us!
As always....in the words of Monsignor Schaedel, a very holy priest and the Vicar General of my Archdiocese, "Of one thing I am convinced; of one thing I am certain: Providence never fails!"
God willing I will return next week. With faith, hope and trust in the Providence that will not fail us!