Sunday, May 2, 2010

Divine Intimacy - Part Four of a Series

Easter Sunday to the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

All the following links come from Catholic-Pages.

In this fourth part of the series, I will provide links to some of the readings for the book Divine Intimacy, by Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., available from Aquinas and More.  The focus of these meditations will be on one of the following; The Life of prayer: Vocal and Mental Prayer, Development of Contemplative Prayer, Liturgical Prayer - Our Blessed Lady: Her Privileges and Virtues - The Holy Spirit and His Action in Us.

Briefly, this book is a goldmine of inspirational thoughts and spiritual meditations from those who lived heroic virtue, to help the soul enter more deeply into the treasures of the Truth of the Faith; so that ones thinking and acting might become transformed and unity or Divine Intimacy might be achieved.

146) Prayer

153) Aridity

165) Holy Mass

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