Friday, March 5, 2010

Divine Intimacy - Part Three of a Series

Divine Intimacy - Part Three of a Series

Septuagesima Sunday to Holy Saturday

All the following links come from Catholic-Pages.

In this third part of the series, I will provide links to some of the readings for the book Divine Intimacy, by Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., available from Aquinas and More.  The focus of these meditations will be on one of the following; the purification of the senses and the practice of abnegation - the struggle against sin - humility, obedience, and the acceptance of the cross - the Passion of Jesus.

Briefly, this book is a goldmine of inspirational thoughts and spiritual meditations from those who lived heroic virtue, to help the soul enter more deeply into the treasures of the Truth of the Faith; so that ones thinking and acting might become transformed and unity or Divine Intimacy might be achieved.

77) A New Program - Septuagesima Sunday

78) The Necessity for Interior Purification

79) Voluntary Attachments

80) The Essence of Attachments

81) The Way of the "Nothing"

82) Rules for Discernment

83) The Night of the Senses

84) The Divine Seed - Sexagesima Sunday

85) Evangelical Poverty

86) Voluntary poverty

87) The Spirit of Poverty

88) Chastity

89) Modesty

90) Chastity of the Heart

95) Death

100) Sin

105) The Transfiguration - Second Sunday of Lent

106) Humility

107) Our Place

108) Humility and Confidence

109) Humility in Our Falls

110) Humiliations

111) Humility of Heart

128) Patience

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