Monday, December 1, 2014

Fifteen Benefits for the Husband or Wife of a Nurse

If you are married to a nurse, you have a luxurious advantage afforded to no other person. There are many positives that your husband or wife has attained with your marital bond.... and it's perfectly okay to remind him/her how lucky they are to have you.

Like your good looks, nice wardrobe and great personality, some of the positives are obvious, while others—the "hidden" perks—are not so evident.

On the serious side:

1.      Nurses make a comfortable living, are goal-oriented, and future-focused. These are very positive qualities, the husband or wife married to someone with these qualities has a person who knows what he/she wants and has a plan for getting there. This equals stability!
2.      Nurses are hardworking. We worked hard to get our degrees and licensure, and now toil at work every day. After all, relationships need a serious dose of elbow grease to be successful and long-lasting. They do not simply exist, but, like your flower garden, require constant work and routine maintenance to grow. So when you’re married to a nurse, expect him/her to put in that extra effort to make it work.
3.      Nurses are good listeners, complete with understanding and patience. Our work life has taught us to be patient listeners! We are experts at putting ourselves in other people's shoes in understanding his/her position. Building a successful marriage requires patience, understanding, and good listening skills.
4.      Nurses are compassionate.  Not only are we great listeners, but we are well equipped to help handle difficult situations. We will always "be there"!
5.      We tend not to sweat the small stuff.  When you take care of sick patients all day long, having dirty dishes in the sink or having the toilet seat up are not really big issues to us.
6.      Nurses deal with life and death situations on a daily basis. We tend to handle everyday stressors, which may "freak" some people out, with a quick-witted remark and a smile.

Now for the "hidden" perks for the husband or wife of a nurse:
7.      We have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly involving the human body. Nothing surprises, shocks, or disgusts us! More importantly, we tend not to laugh anymore about anomalies with any human body.
8.      We don't mind the dirtier cleaning jobs around the house. When you empty bedpans for years on end, no cleaning task bothers you.
9.      We have cool work tools your husband or wife can play with.
10.  Free medical advice and care, even for his/her family and friends!
11.  We are really good at bed baths—and making beds for that matter.  What other professional has been trained to give baths and make beds? Add to that a one-of-a-kind bedside manner and you've got a combo that's hard to beat.
12.  We are great at medicating minor headaches and flu symptoms.
13.  We can multi-task like nobody else.
14.  We look good in our nursing scrubs.

And most importantly:
15.  Your husband or wife will be proud to say he/she is married to a nurse!

Adapted from -

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Seasons of Hope - Christ-centered Comfort

Seasons of Hope - Christ-centered Comfort

Season One - The parishes of St. Ann and St. Joseph are pleased to announce Season One of Seasons of Hope... Christ-centered Comfort.  Fr. Rob will serve as Pastoral Advisor: Carol Wilgus as Facilitator; assisted by the bereavement team from St. Joseph's and St. Ann's.  If you are searching for healing after the loss of a loved-one, we hope you and/or a family member will consider our invitation to attend.  The program is also open to those outside our parish community who mourn the loss of a loved-one.  You are welcome to bring a friend or neighbor with you as well.  There is no cost for this six week program.  The group will meet at St. Ann's on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. on August 5, 12, 19, 26; September 2, 9.  If you plan to attend, we would appreciate you contacting (St. Ann's) Carolyn Gornick at 358-6773 or (St. Joseph's) Jeanette Clements at 291-0588 or Rita Basch at 244-0255, no later than Wednesday, July 30th, so that we may provide materials for everyone.  Please join us on this journey of healing and hope.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2006

...with Spiritual Director Father Mitch Pacwa 

Palm Sunday, April 9, 2006  

Jerusalem was quite busy for our pilgrimage, in addition to Holy Week  the Jewish celebration of Passover in 2006 began in the evening on Wednesday, April 12 and ended in the evening on Thursday, April 20.  Holy Week doesn't always fall during Passover, but in 2006 it did - as it will again this year in 2014.  

We woke up bright and early on Palm Sunday morning and made our way to the old section of Jerusalem to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for Palm Sunday Mass.  Following Mass we went to Bethphage to participate in the Palm Sunday Procession.  

Visit Franciscan Media Center for videos of the Procession and Holy Sites 

Holy Land Pilgrimage with Father Mitch Pacwa - Holy Week 2006 

On Saturday, April 8 2006, Kevin Arthur and I were just arriving in Amman, Jordan for a flight transfer to Tel Aviv, Israel where we boarded a bus to Jerusalem. Arriving late in the evening at our hotel we ate a wonderful buffet prior to retiring for the evening in preparation for a Holy Week pilgrimage following in the footsteps of Jesus' last days before and during his Passion. We like to relive - in memory - this pilgrimage experience each year during Holy Week.

Over the next several days I will post memories of this profound spiritual experience.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parish Nursing - Health Ministry Presentation and Luncheon

I had almost decided to delete this Blog, for a number of reasons including, I've not posted for a few years, I want to lessen the time I'm on the internet and I really did not have much to write about.

After some reflection on my current Ministry - Parish Nursing and Health Ministry, I decided to reconsider. I know an internet presence is important and this blog can easily be transformed to meet my needs in health ministry.

The focus of this blog; my continuing journey of loving and serving Christ Jesus and  His Catholic Church and to share carrying the cross is what parish nursing and health ministry is really all about. Even St. Monica was involved in caring for the sick in her day and time. It all seems to fit together very nicely.

The following is the first of what I hope will be at least several posts on health ministry. That being said, I won't be posting much on that topic until the end of Lent. Actually following Lent I want to begin a series on "the family" based on Church documents found here.

After the commissioning ceremony last September, planning, researching and pulling together materials to actually do an official "launch" of Health Ministry at St. Joseph Parish, I'm happy to say we had almost 50 people in attendance yesterday at the event. We had a lot of good input, wonderful comments and gained several volunteers along with ideas of what programs we should begin with from the parishioners.

Many people made the comment that the talk was very good and informative. So I want to share it here.

Now about Lent a little bit, I've found this wonderful place called Live the Fast. They have all natural fasting bread, all sorts of information about fasting and even e-mail alerts for fasting days with short meditations.

Another wonderful resource - Meditations for Lent. A daily Lenten meditation by Bishop Jacques-BĂ©nigne Bossuet.

Finally - A Doctor at Calvary: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ As Described by a Surgeon by Dr. Pierre Barbet.